The “Tak3n” Trailer Is Here!

I just saw the trailer for the third and final installment, tentatively titled Tak3n, and I have no words.

In this newly released trailer, Liam Neeson’s character, Bryan Mills, is framed for the murder of his wife. Evading arrest, Bryan is prepared to take no prisoners as he tries to protect the only family he has left.  Now all you naysayers that do not like this franchise, this post is not for you! Like the previous two films, there will be lots of ass kicking, car chases and bullet dodging. I can hear some of you saying now, “Again?!” YES, AGAIN!!! You don’t have to watch, we will!

So for all my fellow Taken fans, take a look below and be prepared for Liam Neeson in all his Taken glory:


Tak3n will invade our theaters on January 9th, 2015. I’ll be there!


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