Scandal: The State of The Union
This week’s episode of Scandal focused on Fitz’s first State of the Union address in his second term as president. This would be the first time he really speaks to the public after he has given his administration a slight face lift and since the tragic death of his son, Jerry.
Here is what you need to know about The State of The Union
Listen, I am fighting tooth and nail against these Jake and Olivia fans (what are we calling this relationship? Jolivia?). Jake got a hotel room, to Olivia’s dismay. He claims that since they are no longer on the beach and standing in the sun there is no need for him to be living with her. Not that I have a problem with that but Olivia was not too happy about this new arrangement. Jake did make it known that he would be available to her at any time. Available how, you ask? Booty calls. Anytime she wants it. And she did indeed take him up on the offer! Why did Olivia have to show up at his hotel with her only her trench coat and boots on?!! She gave a me a little Boomerang tease in that scene She is, however, making my job even harder as the president of the team #Olitz fan club!
Mellie is still grieving, and justifiably so. Despite the tight security, tabloids still got pictures of her at her son’s grave: in pajamas and Uggs eating potato chips. In an effort to quelch the rising panic from reporters and supporters alike, everyone wants her to attend the State of The Union address to put the public at ease. Mellie is not a fan of that and honestly, I cannot blame her. She has to grieve in her own way and while some view it as her taking too long, you can’t put a time limit on grief. She is allowed to take as much time as she needs.
After Abby puts on her best Olivia Pope impersonation and speaks to Mellie, she decides to attend which in the end does her more harm than good.
I didn’t quite get my #oneminute scene but once again, I am proven right in my belief that Fitz and Olivia have a connection that cannot be broken. After Olivia brings the Elliots (couple to help with Fitz’s gun control platform) to the address, she has her actual conversation with Fitz. After having everyone clear the room, he asks Liv to look over her speech.
At first, she balks. After him gently reminding her that she owes him at least that, she has him change the speech to make it more personal: to mention his family’s pain, to publicly acknowledge Mellie’s grief. This successfully won just about every listener over even though it didn’t help Mellie’s state of mind.

It was so interesting to me that even though Fitz hadn’t seen Olivia in a while, it was imperative that he got her stamp of approval in order to be validated in his speech. To me, that was more important and significant than whatever relations Jake and Olivia had this episode. She only went to Jake to relieve some of that anxiety she felt after seeing Fitz. She might be sleeping with Jake but she is still in love with Fitz. #dontdebateme #THESEAREFACTS
I really can’t speak on these two. I don’t know if its because I saw them as siblings or the fact that both of them are socially awkward but I am not a fan of these two together. #Keepthatstoryline
I did not like the RNC chairman since the first time we met her. Now she’s trying to get a sex worker to bait Cyrus so she can get dirt on him and swing decisions the ways she wants. DON’T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CYRUS’S VULNERABILITY! Lizzie has to go!
P.S. If you do not live tweet with the cast, I suggest you do. They honestly make it so much better to watch the show with their behind the scenes commentary. Here is a cool image I found on their twitter page with a breakdown of their twitter names. Make sure you are following them! (Especially Tony – Hey, boo, Hey!)

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