ShondaLand Thursday Takeover


Thursdays are my favorite day of the week if for no other reason than ABC’s prime time lineup.

ShondaLand’s Thursday Takeover begins on September 25th and I can not wait! I just saw this brand new teaser and I am ready for ALL OF IT!!




Shonda Rhimes is not playing with us at all! She said forget a one-two punch, you are going to get ALL of these shows on one night and I am not mad at it. They have created a new slogan for this block: T.G.I.T (Thank God It’s Thursday), and I think it’s a good little nod to their TGIF. In any case, I will be in front of my television at 7:55pm on September 25th to kick off the ShondaLand Thursday Takeover with a bottle of wine (not a glass! I have to have enough to last until 11) and popcorn.



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