‘Scandal’ Recap: A Few Good Women
Before I launch into this recap, I want to apologize for the absence of a recap of ‘First Lady Sings the Blues’. I was doing so well and slacked off. To be really honest though, that was the same night Derek Shepherd died on Grey’s Anatomy and I was LAID OUT! When I tell you I was distraught, I was almost inconsolable. I didn’t start really paying attention to Scandal until halfway in for that episode and I had to re watch it that weekend. Not the most valid reason but it’s the truth. Just respect my mourning period for my beloved characters damnit!
Anywho… let’s just jump right into Scandal’s latest episode, ‘A Few Good Women’, as we find out the truth about Foxtail.
The phrase to remember for this episode is “occupational hazard”.
VP Susan Ross is proving to be more than anyone thought., They haven’t been giving this woman nearly enough credit and she has been a nice addition to Scandal in my opinion. She is riling up Cyrus and I get a kick out of his weekly reactions. During a visit to a naval base, a female officer, Ensign Amy Martin, salutes her and Susan notices a bruise on her wrist. While she simply said hello to the officers prior to that, when she saw that mark she made it a point to speak with Martin. She quickly deduces that Amy had been assaulted on the ship, though Amy neither confirms or denies. Susan takes her to The White House where she wants action to be taken. However, Cyrus and Fitz don’t see it that way, with Cyrus even saying she was doing something outside of her pay grade. The White House does not interfere with the naval judiciary system. They order her to return Amy to her ship. Susan, as we have figured by now, isn’t someone who will just let it go so she goes to see Olivia Pope.
Liv of course agrees to help and we really start get a look into the culture of rape in the military. Statistics prove that one in three women in the military have been sexually assaulted. However, with the military culture many are afraid to even come forward because there is no real guarantee of protection as there may be for civilians. Many of our assaulted men and women are afraid to come forward because they know they will face ridicule and persecution. When the accused is a high-ranking official, if they are found not guilty, the accuser could end up being brought up on charges as well. I had absolutely no idea and that is frightening. These men and women are sacrificing their lives for us and with something as serious as this, they are afraid to come forward because of the additional repercussions they may face. In Amy’s case, her rapist is a high ranking official – a four star admiral who is basically the head Sailor.

She’s able to take them on though, with the help of Olivia, Mellie AND Fitz. From the beginning, however, this case is set up to fail. The Naval attorney who is assigned to her case is some young, wet behind the ears boy named Virgil. Olivia has to basically force feed him questions when it was time to question the Admiral because Virgil seemed so starstruck and slightly incompetent at times. Olivia had the questions but the way it works, the Admiral does not need to answer to her because she is simple a civilian. Of course, Admiral Hawley denies the allegations but Olivia gets a call from Amy who requests to see her immediately. When Liv gets on the boat, Amy tells her she needs to get off immediately because she is pregnant with the Admiral’s baby and wants an abortion. They had to jump through a few hoops but they ultimately get her to Liv’s place. Around the same time, they find out that their request for the security logs – which would have shown the Admiral’s whereabouts- was denied.
Olivia went to her ace in the hole when she hits a major roadblock – Fitz. She lets him know how wrong it is that rape in the military is basically considered by many to be an occupational hazard. She wants him to get the security logs. At first he balks but you know he made it happen for her. Regardless of whats going on, what Olivia wants from Fitz – she gets. The logs show that Admiral Hawley had an alibi but that’s where security tapes come in. It shows him dragging Amy into his office and he ultimately confesses to raping her. Ensign Martin kept her position and was not punished for coming forward. Now we know this wouldn’t happen so smoothly in real life but kudos to Scandal for continually giving us justice when we don’t normally get it but so desperately NEED it.
I will say that I thought the abortion aspect was handled very well and carefully. There wasn’t judgment nor was there ridicule for her decision. It sent a strong statement and it was a strong choice. She wasn’t forced to explain her reasoning and I respect the way it was handled.
Let’s discuss the whole Russell fiasco. Well first let me point out that Liv has her main side boo, Jake, in her bed recovering from his injuries. Meanwhile, Russell is ACROSS THE HALL with Huckleberry Quinn. Huck and Quinn break out the drills, the knives and the whole shebang to get Russell to talk about Foxtail but he didn’t budge. Apparently Olivia’s walls are pretty thin because Jake figures out what Liv is doing across the hall and tells her she needs to recognize that she isn’t getting anywhere. She is wasting everyone’s time if she thinks Russell is going to spill all the secrets because he lost some fingernails and his knee is basically mush. He is a product of Rowan Pope.He is better Jake. He doesn’t have the defect of being in love with Olivia as Jake has. Olivia’s bedroom magic works on Fitz and Jake but Russell doesn’t have that problem. He is not going to talk. Shucks, Russell tried to take a kill pill earlier just so he wouldn’t have to betray Command.

When Olivia leaves, Jake goes across the hall and tells Huck he needs some alone time with Russell. Huck leaves but not before telling Jake that Russell must remain in the same condition he left him in. Jake unties one of Russell’s hands and gives him a beer. He is curious about another of Rowan’s puppets.. According to Russell, Jake was actually Rowan’s pride and joy. A brief reminiscing happens of sorts with the two of them even doing Papa Pope impersonations. Jake eventually does tell Russell about the real game Rowan plays, especially when it comes to Liv’s life. It is all about controlling Olivia. Whenever she feels safe from him, Papa Pope sends someone to remind her his grip is ever present and ever tight.
Shortly after, Virgil shows up to the apartment claiming he left some files behind at Liv’s and needs to be let in. Huck lets him in and Virgil quickly injects a syringe into Huck’s neck and goes over to Russell. He removes the duct tape and releases him, showing us that he is also one of Rowan’s proteges.
Why did Huck even let him in? Virgil didn’t knock on Olivia’s door. He knocked on the other door across the hall. Huck should have immediately been on alert. How would Virgil, if he is just an attorney, even know that Huck was across the hall? Yes I know we saw Huck leaving Liv’s apartment when Amy came in but we didn’t see where exactly he went. So Huck should have been meeting that knock with a gun at the door!
Secondly, who the hell ISN’T B613 at this point? Good grief. Is Rowan just getting these boys straight out of college? Goddamn.
Anyway, Quinn and Liv show up to the apartment after they realize Virgil isn’t really Virgil. Jake is already there and assures that Huck is alive but Russell is gone.
Mellie in Springfield
Mellie is hard at work campaigning. Liz insists to Mellie that she has to go to Springfield to win over women voters. Mellie is simply not having it. That is the place where Jerry was killed a year ago and she does not want to go back. However, she knows she has to but doesn’t have the words or seemingly the strength. With the help of Fitz, she is able to do it.
Now is a good time for me to say my piece on Mellie and Fitz’s relationship. I know I have mentioned this before earlier this season but the evolution of their relationship has been interesting and a bit heartwarming to watch. They aren’t in love anymore, we know that, but there is a mutual respect and love there now that has made this partnership the one to watch on Scandal. They have definitely grown closer over the past year and in a way have an unbreakable bond. It’s just easy with them now. Case in point: After speaking with Liv, he came to bed late. He told Mellie and there weren’t any smart remarks, harsh glares or anything. It was basically a “That’s good.” Granted, she was in a bit of trance over the trip to Springfield but still. He noticed that she was having a rough time and crawled into bed to hold her. She was anxious and weary of the Springfield trip. She had no idea what to say but she knew she didn’t want to talk about their son. While in bed, they remember their son; he would have been 17, driving and going to prom this year.
He advises her to throw him under the bus in regards to the “public” stance or non stance that he took on the Ensign Amy Martin case. She does and gets much success.
As Mellie steps off the podium, she is taken to see a very important constituent according to Liz. As she walks to the room to meet this person, the Secret Services refers to her as “FOXTAIL’. She enters the room and shakes the hand of none other than Rowan Pope.
So umm what does this mean?
While watching, once Liz started talking about this great donor and blah blah blah, my spirit knew it was Papa Pope. I even turned to my cousin and friend and told them so. HOWEVER, I legitimately thought, like probably a lot of you, that Foxtail was an operation. I didn’t think it was a PERSON, let alone MELLIE GRANT! Granted, (no pun intended), it probably is an operation involving Mellie but still. Rowan most definitely is going to use Mellie. I underestimated him yet again because I didn’t think he would take The White House route.
What do you guys think? Mellie doesn’t know the truth about the hand Rowan had in her son’s death so she is not prepared for any of this and doesn’t even know to be on guard. Now that I think on it, I don’t think she’s ever even seen a picture of Rowan. I don’t think he will kidnap her or threaten her right there as the episode ended but the plan is obviously already in motion. Or maybe he will do something to her right then. Shucks, I don’t know. Now I am confused. All I do know is he is going to do some shit to Mellie, Fitz is going to be on a bender because it’s Mellie and I just talked about all the reasons Mellie and Fitz are now partners; even if there aren’t feelings of love or lust or the promise of happily ever after there. This will in turn come back to Olivia in the worst way. If we know anything we know that when Fitz is hurt, Olivia is hurt and vice versa. I shudder to think of what is going to unfold in the hour that is the season finale. This penultimate episode set some things in motion that I am not sure how they can wrap up or begin to answer next week. Is Shonda sure we didn’t need two hours?
But before I wrap this up, last thing, let’s just talk really quickly about a small piece in those previews for next week. Is that Olivia Carolyn Pope in jail?! Is this about to reminiscent of Lucious Lyon at the end of Empire? But the most important question is what does Liv use on her hair? When those doors slammed and she had on that hideous outfit, her hair STILL look laid! Is that Carol’s Daughter? I think it may be that Monoi Repairing Duo. Let me know because I use their Black Vanilla right now but I can switch if I will get even more body!
Oh and for those who haven’t heard: Scandal has been officially renewed for Season 5! There wasn’t any doubt in my mind, I’m just happy we know this year before the season finale. So with Season 12 of Grey’s Anatomy, Season 5 of Scandal and Season 2 of How To Get Away With Murder; TGIT is BYKE! -Plies voice-
Shonda is not going to take her foot off of our necks.
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