August is Read-A-Romance Month!

August is Read-A-Romance Month! As a book blogger, this is perhaps my favorite time of the year being that romance is by far my favorite genre.

I didn’t know about this celebration until 2014. According to its dedicated website: “Read-A-Romance Month was conceived and launched in 2013 by freelance writer and romance advocate Bobbi Dumas (hi!), after I realized there was no one place where the community celebrated romance all together, at one time, in a concentrated way. Read-A-Romance Month is cross-publisher and cross-genre and represents a broad spectrum of authors and books. It’s also online, and open to everyone!”

While I read romance all the time, I like the fact that there is a month dedicated to celebrating this beloved genre.  In the past, I’ve done a few spotlights during the month but this year I wanted to take it up a notch. As usual, it’ll be all romance, all month here at The Island Reader. What I am most excited about though is the author interview series that I have been working on. I took a leap of faith and asked some of the favorite romance authors to participate and to my absolute glee, they said YES!!! Interviews will go up with five amazing authors this month where we’ll learn a bit about their writing routines, favorite books, and why romance is so important to them. I am passionate about amplifying the works of authors that I adore and am literally so excited about this, I did a dance around the house when these authors were gracious enough to say yes to my request.  Now I can tell you who they are but that would just ruin all of the fun, won’t it? 🙂  You’ll just need to check in regularly this month (like you would normally do) to find out.

Tell a friend to tell a friend, and have them read (one or more) romance. Let’s discover new authors, and fall in love with old favorites this Read-A-Romance month!


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