
Why I Changed My Name

why i changed my name

I changed my name.

Well, not my government name but the name of the blog. If you’ve visited the site recently, you’ll notice the lack of posts the last four weeks or so and that’s because I was in the midst of sorting everything out.

Marie’s List is no more, welcome to The Island Reader!


Why the name change?

Recently, I’ve been trying to be more consistent and purposeful with my digital content. This blog is my baby and it’s not going anywhere. As the cornerstone of future content and my digital brand, it is important that I get this site right. I’ve been through three layout changes in the past two years and while I’m more than happy with my current design, something about the name wasn’t sitting right with me.

I had to be more specific.

Marie’s List is a great name, in my opinion, but it wasn’t the best choice for long-term goals. The name wasn’t definitive. It didn’t hint at my niche or even the purpose of this blog. Ok, it was a list. A list of what? In my attempt to create a name that was recognizable, universal, and easy to remember, I chose a name that was super vague. One thing that I really didn’t think through was the “Marie” portion of the name. As the blog grows and more people are finding it, many have assumed that my name was Marie. Honestly, I can’t blame them. While it is my middle name, it’s not one that I go by. No one, not even those in my immediate family, calls me Marie. If they did then maybe I would have been more inclined to keep it.
As I stripped away all the extraness and figured out what I really loved and wanted this blog to be about, I only had one real answer: books! I love television and film, but the overwhelming majority of content on here is about books.  Television is my second love so there will still be tons of TV content available. However, I’m toying with the idea of the removing the film section completely.  As much as I love film, I don’t write about it enough on here. I don’t know if I can correctly call this a home for film fanatics. 🙂

The Island Reader

The Island Reader was a name I had written down long ago as I had a few plans for the title, some which may still come to fruition. I bought the domain a few years ago,  even before Marie’s List. While I was going back and forth on what the new name should be, I realized that I always had it.

In the end, I’m just an island girl that is obsessive about growing her book collection.

I love the new name and hope you will too.

P.S. It’ll take a while for me to work out a few kinks, including upgrading all graphics to reflect the new name but I’ll get to it ASAP, I promise.

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