Review: Again for the First Time by Raven St. Pierre

Review: Again for the First Time by Raven St. PierreAgain for the First Time by Raven St. Pierre
Series: Again for the First Time #1
Published by Amazon Digital Services LLC on January 15, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Love & Romance, Multicultural & Interracial, Romance
Pages: 600
Format: eBook
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“Marry me” were the last words Luke thought he’d say to a perfect stranger. Then again, Lissette never dreamed she’d actually say “yes”.
But she did…
The odds are against them from the start of their less than conventional marriage, but the couple quickly realizes that their newfound love is absolutely worth the risk.

Stopping a perfect stranger in the middle of the street is crazy but that’s what Lucca Valente does as he works with his brother, Matteo, on a documentary that may make Matt’s career. Luke doesn’t take it seriously at first so therefore doesn’t really expect anyone to say yes. However, he is completely taken aback when he stops Lissette James says yes.

Raven St. Pierre’s Again for the First Time is a tale of heartbreak, believing in fate, and taking a chance on a love that promises forever, despite the way it may have entered your life.

The premise is what drew me to purchase this book. It was definitely a unique plot point and I was interested in seeing how it would all play out.

I will admit that while I have been a fan of ‘love at first sight’ plots in novels, I went into this book a bit skeptical. I was unsure of how the author would be able to make readers fall in love with Lisette and Lucca given how far fetched the main plot point seemed. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Luke and Lissy had an attachment that was instantaneous, they gravitated towards each other in a way that both of them needed, and while it was fast, it still managed to seem organic. Lissy and Luke went through some REAL issues and I like the fact that the author didn’t shy away from problems that newlyweds may face, especially when they only knew each other for a few days prior to marrying. There were plenty of miscommunications and a few secrets that needed to unfold.


Again for the First Time is a refreshing story about why sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. I don’t remember how I stumbled across St. Pierre’s book but I will definitely check out more of her work.

P.S. Amazon tells me that this book was 600 pages, and I’m honestly shocked. I flew through this book, and while my Kindle doesn’t tell me the exact number of pages, I was surprised it was this long.


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