Update #1: 2019 Reading Challenge

We’re officially midway through 2019 which means it’s time for a check in for the 2019 Reading Challenge!

Now, I’m not even going to sit up here and lie to you all. My reading habits have been TRASHHHHHHHH for the past few months.



My reading schedule has been off and I’ve endured more reading slumps thus far than I care to admit. You can tell by the decrease in posts that have been around here lately. I’m trying to rectify that now and think I will be back on track momentarily.

However, I must admit that I am not making as much of a dent in the reading challenge as I would like.

Here’s what I’ve completed thus far:

A paperback that cost less than $5All That and A Bag of Chips by Darrien Lee. Now, this is not the retail price but I purchased it from www.ThriftBooks.com (one of my favorite sites, tbh!) and was able to get it for 3.99. WIN WIN!!

A book I first read in high schoolTonight and Forever by Brenda Jackson. Most of you know the story, I found this book in the library and fell in love with Brenda Jackson and the Madaris family. It’s one of the books that ignited my love for romance novels. Of course, I would make this a re-read. (P.S. I peeped the updated cover!)

A book you started but never finishedUninvited by Lysa Terkeurst


For those of you who are unfamiliar, you can check out the full list HERE. I may have been slow to start but I’m confident I’ll be done with the list shortly.

How’s the challenge treating you?

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