The Best Place To Read

I will always find time to read. I will open a book or turn on my Kindle during my lunch break at work, while I’m waiting at the doctor’s office, or in the car on a long road trip.

I am the Queen of large purses, mainly because I need to have a book in my bag at all times. I will read at any hour of the day if my schedule permits. Is it a bit compulsive? Yes, it is. You can judge me all you want.

Despite all of this, the best place to read is my bed.

There is absolutely nothing like crawling into bed, getting under the covers and reading a book. I typically use my e-reader when I am reading at night, simply because electricity bills are high and I am not trying to have lights on until 1 am. I might be a bit compulsive but I am still cheap.

Bookstores and coffee shops are great but the constant background noise can sometimes annoy me. I need to be able to control my surroundings and adjust the noise level as I see fit. Sometimes that requires the television as background noise or my favorite playlist streaming through my earbuds. Most times, however, complete silence is needed.

There is something just so comforting about reading a book in my bed. Besides the fact that I have the best comforter and the pillows are angled just right under my head, it helps me to unwind and let go of the stress of the day. It helps me to control the information I retain before I go to sleep.

When I get in my bed with a book in hand and a glass of wine on my nightstand, that is officially the end of my night.  I rarely answer the phone unless its an emergency and when I tell friends that I am in my bed reading, they know what time it is.

So for me, while I will read at any time and almost anywhere; the best place to read is my bed.

How about you? Where is your favorite place to read a book?

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