Review: Slipped up in Love by AshleyNicole

Review: Slipped up in Love by AshleyNicoleSlipped up in Love Published by Amazon Digital Services LLC on April 27, 2019
Genres: African American, Romance
Pages: 195
Format: eBook
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Love is Messy. It can be sticky. It can be all-consuming. It can come out of nowhere. If you’re not careful, you might slip up and find yourself so deep in it that you can’t climb out.
Cheyenne has hated Travis since he walked into her class in kindergarten. He pestered her for years until the fates stepped in and moved him away.
But he’s back now… And pestering her is the last thing on his mind. His heart has known for years what hers is still trying to figure out: he slipped years ago, now it’s her turn.

Family is everything.

The Mason family surely believes that and practices that are we are introduced to this large and rambunctious family in Slipped up in Love by AshleyNicole.

Travis is one of the Mason men. He and Cheyenne, our main character, have known each other since they were little kids. She is the best friend of his only female cousin, and he’s always had an eye on her. How did he show that affection when they were younger? By putting a reptile in her mouth and being mean to her, of course. Perfect and typical young kids’ behavior.

While he’s always known that Chey was it for him, his actions proved otherwise and she has been determined not to be in his space for long periods of time if she can avoid it.

Travis wants to make Chey his partner, she’ll need a whole lot of convincing. When he moves back into town, one thing leads to another, and these two become “besties”. Cheyenne is able to see that Travis isn’t the mean knucklehead boy that she remembers.  For one, he’s grown into his looks and he no longer has capped teeth. But two, he’s quite laid back, easy to talk to, and understanding. Through their “friendship” allows her to explore parts of her self she assumed were permanently dormant. Before she knew it, she was slipped up in love.

This is a nice quick read that is both cute and funny. I definitely let out a chuckle or two while reading. The Mason family is quite entertaining and I’m excited about the endless story possibilities. You all know how much a huge family in romance novels warms my heart.


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