My Never Ending Reading List

“We read to know we are not alone.”

– C.S. Lewis

Reading has always been one of my greatest passions. There are fewer joys for me than being swept away in a novel.  When reading, I want to feel everything that the characters feel; the pain, the love, and the joy as we learn their greatest desires and fears. When I am able to feel all of these things that is when I know I am reading a great book.

While the majority of the work that I read is fiction, I do enjoy many other genres. Over the last year and a half, my reading selections have been vastly expanded. This all started when I began to write down all of the books that I wanted to read this year. What was initially supposed to be a 100 book challenge turned into me needing to read over 250 books, with the list growing every day. I am always looking for new books to read and new authors to learn about.

I am also interested in seeing what others are reading and so I thought it would be great to let you know the next few books in my queue.


I am currently reading To Be Young, Gifted and Black by Lorraine Hansberry. While I have read the classic A Raisin in the Sun, this is one that I have been meaning to read but never got around to it. Coincidentally it was actually a scene in last season’s Scandal finale that really pushed me to pick it up. Those of you who are gladiators know which scene I am referring to, the one where Papa Pope is speaking to Harrison.

Oprah is the reason I want to read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, I became interested after watching Super Soul Sunday and am curious to learn a little bit more of his ideas and practices. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is actually a book that I read a few years ago that I have been meaning to revisit for some time now. There are books that I like to read again after a few years have passed as I always find I understand the work a little more. I believe this one will be no different.

I’ll probably be writing reviews for these as I finish them (even the classics from Hansberry and Hurston).

So I have shown you my reading list, it’s time to show me yours!



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