Once your manuscript has gone through copyediting, it’s time for proofreading! During this process, I will look for any language or formatting errors – missing words, typos, formatting inconsistencies, etc. Fact-checking, misaligned text, and incorrect paragraphing are also reviewed. The goal is to ensure that you have a fantastic manuscript to present to your readers.

50K words or less – $75

50,001 – 79,999 – $100

80,000 -99,999 – $150

100,000 – 150,000 – $200

 Payment Policy

Once your manuscript has been received, we will agree upon a start date. First-time clients will be emailed an invoice for a deposit of 50% of the full editing price. The remaining balance must be paid after the manuscript has been returned. After that initial project, invoices are emailed after completion and due within 10 business days of receipt.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is about 1 to 2 weeks based on an average of 75,000 words. Longer manuscripts may require a longer time.

What do you proofread?

I proofread fiction and nonfiction works; workbooks, short stories, and full-length novels. I primarily work with romance authors but have experience in other genres as well.

How do I request this service?

You may submit your request HERE or send me an email at hello[at] theislandreader . com. I will respond to your inquiry within 24-48 hours.

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