Recap: Gotham’s Pilot Episode

Premiere week started off with a bang for me last night. There were three shows on my list: Fox’s Gotham, CBS’s Scorpion and ABC’s Forever. So as you can see, there was no shortage of shows for me.

Scorpion has promise and I will be giving it at least two more episodes before I give my final verdict but so far, I like it. I won’t be watching ABC’s Forever again though, we have enough Sherlock Holmes shows out there and I prefer Elementary if I am going to be watching one. And honestly, I don’t know how far they will be able to take this immortality story.


Anyway, the whole purpose of this post is to talk about Gotham; one of the five new shows I was most interested in this season. After watching the pilot episode, here are a few of my thoughts:

      • I loved seeing the origins of Jim Gordon and the younger Bruce Wayne. I know we will be learning more about these two and I am very interested to see the beginnings of this iconic relationship.
      • I like Benjamin McKenzie as Jim Gordon, I mean it doesn’t hurt that he’s cute but he really does an excellent job of being the moral compass of Gotham City which is going to land him in a lot of trouble. He’s a rookie at this time and I don’t think he could have quite prepared himself for what is about to happen.

  • Penguin: Remember that trouble I was talking about for Jim? Well this is part of it. He is definitely an interesting one.  After betraying Fish Mooney and being sentenced to death, our very own Jim Gordon saves his life – which proves to be a very stupid mistake. Penguin is a serious problem and while I am not surprised that Jim didn’t kill him – I really hope he didn’t think he would never see Penguin again. We all know that’s a lie.Penguin is out for revenge and power and he is not going to stop. How is someone going to save his life and the first person he sees, he kills them for a dang sandwich?! I can’t.
Look at this face, you KNOW Penguin is about to wreak havoc.
Look at this face, you KNOW Penguin is about to wreak havoc.
  • Back to Ben though: his relationship with his fiancee isn’t going to last past the fifth episode and that is me being very optimistic.
  • Question: is that little girl Poison Ivy?! The one whose father was framed? I think she is – you noticed how her apartment is dark but all the dang plants are alive and vibrant?!
  • Let’s talk about my favorite character in this episode for a second here: Fish Mooney. She is super BAD ASS. Jada Pinkett Smith gave me everything I needed in this episode and I am here for all of it. I can’t wait until we get an episode with her back story.


Verdict: They have a fan, I will be watching this season of Gotham for sure!


P. S. I am very intrigued by the show’s setting. We never have a definitive time period. The city is dark and grimy like current New York City but the vehicles are definitely from an older time. The phones are slightly outdated and did you notice the inside of the police station? Normally this would irritate me not being able to pinpoint a specific time but it works for this show.

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