5 Books Every TwentySomething Needs To Read

Every twentysomething needs an arsenal of books at their disposal. It doesn’t have to be a huge pile of books, small and mighty will definitely do the trick. Books that are motivational and provide a swift in kick ass are a must in every twentysomething’s book collection.

Whether you are a voracious reader like myself or a notorious skimmer, everyone needs a few solid books that they can always revisit. So whether you are looking for a gift for someone or need a book for yourself, I have the perfect list!

Here are three books every twentysomething needs to read (click the images to purchase):

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book literally changed my life, and this is not me being facetious. It reminded me of the importance of chasing your dreams; no matter how big or small. The Alchemist is a classic fable that helped me refine my focus and inspired me to keep working my ass off until I got where I needed to be. One of my personal mottos is courtesy of this book: “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”  Whenever I set a goal or make plans, I make sure it is something I really want (for the right reasons) and then I try to go after it with a single-minded focus that almost always guarantees success. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo is a book that must be read at least once a year; to remind you of your purpose, to serve as a pick me up when you’re being laid astray, and a gentle reminder that we all have a treasure that awaits us.


The Personal Touch: What You Really Need to Succeed in Today’s Fast-Paced Business World  by Terrie Williams

Per Amazon:

“Terrie Williams, president of the renowned public relations agency that bears her name, tells her extraordinary story and shares simple and inspiring strategies anyone can use to achieve their goals and dreams. “

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–And How to Make the Most of Them Now – Dr. Meg Jay, PhD

I have raved about this book to anyone who would listen. I gave this book to all of my friends as Christmas gifts a couple of years ago. I can have discussions about this book for hours. It is an absolute must-read for every twenty-something, especially those fresh out of college. Too many times young people feel as if our 20’s is the decade to coast through life and have the most fun. While we should definitely have fun and soak up the good years, our 20’s are perhaps the most important decade. Our 20’s are the time that we must get our shit together.

The Big Life: Embrace the Mess, Work Your Side Hustle, Find a Monumental Relationship, and Become the Badass Babe You Were Meant to Be by Ann Shoket 

The must-read career book of 2017.

Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media – Aliza Licht

Aliza Licht knows how to rock a mean red lip and for that reason alone every young woman (men, you’re more than welcome too!) needs to have this book. I wish this book was around my last year of college. It’s still very relevant to me now but if I had this book a couple of years ago? Gamechanger. Leave Your Mark is truly mentorship in its 200+ pages.  This book helps you take your career to the next level; it reminds you of the importance of making the most out of internships and gives you endless tips on leaving your mark. Your personal brand is important, Licht helps you nail it. Check out my full post on this book here. 


Now, this is by no means an exhaustive list. This could have easily turned into a 20 or more books. However, these are three books that I feel any reader will appreciate.

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